Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Kenduri kendara
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Siapa Diana..? #1 #2 #3
Setiap hari perjalanan aku pergi dan balik sekolah akan lalu kuil Hindu di hujung simpang.. Ya, kami hidup aman bersama kaum lain di situ.
Bila demam, paktok bawak aku pegi Klinik Krishna. Perjalanan nak ke situ akan lalu kawasan perumahan kaum Cina dan beberapa kilang. Takdala jauh sangat.. Dekat-dekat dgn umah Cik Pah. Ada sekali tu Abang Daus bawak aku pegi kedai kat sebelah klinik tu naik basikal. Balik dari kedai dia gi sergah anjing-anjing yang duk lepak kat depan umah tepi jalan, terus kena kejar. Sekor anjing tu sempat jilat kaki aku. Balik, terus paktok ajar samak.. Abang Daus plak, lepas kena marah ngan paktok, terus dah tak buat dah.. Haha! Nakal budak-budak.. Dapat pengajaran..
Friday, December 14, 2012
Who is Terrorist?
Kadang-kadang Allah biarkan hamba-Nya tersesat dan apabila mereka kembali bersujud pada-Nya,
Allah s.wt berikan meraka hidayah..
Semoga dengan hidayah-Nya itu, mereka dapat mengenali-Nya lebih dekat dan membawa lebih ramai hamba-Nya yang tersesat untuk kembali ke jalan-Nya...
Palestine is not a film. It's not a movie. It's real. It exist.
It's not just a piece of land.
It's where people live and raise their kids..
It has houses, schools, shops, Mosques..
Zionist have many ways to tell the world that they are right.
But this year, the world see the truth.. well, at least me and a lot others in Malaysia.
There's nothing right about Zionist, IDF and all Israel agenda..
Hamas is not terrorist!
Hamas was founded in 1987 (during the First Intifada) as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas has a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
They are armies, they are militaries, they are fully trained, very well trained...
They defend the kids and the women.. Fi Sabilillah... Mujahideen indeed...
I don't care much what others think of Hamas and Brigades al-Qassam..
But I want to make it clear to all Muslims that they are Our armies...
We should be grateful they exist to defend Muslims...
Should there be no terrorism towards Muslims in Palestine, there will be no Hamas and Brigades al-Qassam..
They are not fighting just for the land, but they are fighting to save lives... people lives...
IDF is the real terrorist and Israel is the one who fights for a piece of land! and it's not even their land...
p/s: I want to go there.. I want to be a part of Palestine development.. In Shaa Allah..
Monday, December 10, 2012
Camo My Glider
She will be the mascot for DMKAZ PICTURES.. hehe
She is a tiny-cute-fluffy-adorable little Sugar Glider..!! Wuhuuu!! A wonderful gift from my beloved fiancé.. :D jangan jealous..!
Camo was adopted from a pet shop in Bahau, Negeri Sembilan called Redbull..
Ha! Jauh kan perjalanan dia nak balik..
I never thought of having a sugar glider before.. I don't really know what sugar glider is. At first, I was telling A'are that I wanted a couple of love birds.. But his friend suggested sugar glider instead. His story about him bonding with his sugar glider was super convincing and too tempting, so without much thinking we have adopted Camo.. ^_^
I've been spending a lot of times in front of laptop studying about sugar glider for these past few days..
I've watched a lot of youtube videos and lucky me to find this perfect youtube video series from an experienced Sugar Glider Vet, Dr. David M.Brust, DVM - President of Association Sugar Glider Veterinary (ASGV).
These video series really help me so far..
And without further ado, let me introduce my new companion... CAMO!
adorable, isn't she?
p/s: thanks a lot Areyang.. You are the best! ^_^
Istanbul Aku Datang
Ok comel sangat cerita ni..!!! comel sangat Lisa Surihani..
Storyline not bad.. Teenage kot target audience dia..
tapi nape aku suka sangat? mungkin aku masih berjiwa remaja kot.. hurm.... (jari telunjuk kanan kat dahi)
hahahaha!! LOL ;)
Istanbul saaaaaaangat cantik! Walaupon takda pilihan HD kat Astro First,
tapi kualiti SD pon dah sangat memuaskan mataku ini.. cantik!
A'are kata sebab cuaca kat sana membuatkan gambar jadi cantik sangat..
Hurm, hopefully one day dapat ke tempat bercuaca sebegitu untuk membuktikan kesahihan fakta A'are tu.. ok, honeymoon! hahaha dah berapa banyak list utk honeymoon ni..
Ok, untuk sesape yang belum tengok, silalah bergegas ke panggung wayang berhampiran anda,
atau kalau malas nak keluar (maklumla asyik hujan je lately kan), cepat-cepat ambik remote Astro,
pergi ke channel 480 - Astro First, dan buatlah pilihan di situ..
Ada lagi satu pilihan, tapi aku tak suka nak cadangkan ni walaupon free. Youtube of course..
Tapi, kalau korang nak kualiti yang baik, dan tanpa rasa bersalah menonton secara haram, janganlah kedekut sangat untuk melabur sedikit untuk hiburan diri korang sendiri jugak kan..
Kesian orang production, susah payah merantau sampai ke negara orang nak buat satu cerita menarik untuk kita kan... Marilah sama-sama hargai usaha baik semua orang... Majulah Filem Negara! cewah!
Bagi aku cerita ni best, menghiburkan, comel, dan cantik.. Korang nilailah sendiri ye..!
Ok, nak sambung tengok again and again and again.. RM15.00 untuk 48 jam katanya... memang berbaloi! :P
p/s: semenjak ada Astro First dgn Astro Best ni, memang aku tak jejak kaki kat panggung wayang langsung dah...
Friday, November 30, 2012
~peace no war...!
Today- Friday - 30th November 2012:
I do hope this will make things better.. Personally I don't really know how, after listening to the speech by Ambassador of Israel.. It's sound cocky, arrogant..
Hope to see Palestine in Google Maps soon...
This conflict in Gaza helps me to believe even more in hereafter..
This conflict bring me closer to Allah s.w.t and Rasulullah Muhammad s.a.w at least..
Honestly, I never make prayer so important in my life until lately..
p/s: Ya Allah, teguhkanlah imanku selalu...
Dulu aku takdela layan sangat rancangan tu.. Aku pernah layan masa time nabil je.. N dia sorang je yg kelakar aku rasa time tu..
Tapi sekarang, memang tak dinafikan, JoZan adalah pelawak tersohor di Malaysia hari ni..!!
Aku pernah beberapa kali contact manager diorang sebab nak panggil untuk jadi emcee dan buat persembahan utk event-event yg aku handle sebelum ni.. Tapi malangnya harga diorang memang tak tercapai akalmu, menyebabkan aku tak pernah berpeluang kerja dgn Jozan sebab client aku semua tak sanggup nak keluarkan budget lebih.. sobs..
Aku tak salahkan diorang letak harga macam sekarang. Al-maklumlah, masa tengah naik ni la nak demand kan.. lagipon bukan senang nak jadi selebriti yang sentiasa diharapkan untuk menghibur..
Maharajalawak Mega 2012 dah nak masuk minggu ketiga.. Tak sabar nak tengok persembahan JoZan.. Jambu dan Shiro pon favourite aku jugak.. Boboi, aku suka.. Cuma rasa tak kena je Nabil dalam gang tu.. Or mungkin belum serasi..
Oklah, jom layan JoZan punya persembahan minggu pertama.. Nilah lawak terbaik aku pernah tonton kat Malaysia ni.. Keluar air mata aku gelak!! Adoi pon...! (Minggu kedua pon best jugak, tapi yg ni TERBAEK!!!)
Friday, November 23, 2012
Because of Gaza
31.8.1957 was the date of our Independence, and until today we celebrates the date each year..
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Living in a developing country, with KLCC, handphone, astro on the go, google maps, fb etc, I don't realize that not all countries in the world are already independent..
I watch International news, there's still wars sometimes.Yes, sometimes..
I never knew that there's still war, like real-war..!
I didn't know because we are living here in peace.. There's only fights, but there's no war..
I know the meaning of war from movies.. Never seen it with my own eyes.. and those wars in the news are not like those in the the movies at all..
There's no battalion.. There's no 2-sided armies facing each other.. Walking, running towards each other..
In the news, there's only bombs falling on buildings, crying children, dead people.. Who's the leaders?
It's not like those wars in the movies.. Not at all.. So, should we still call it war?
To be honest, I never really get to know Gaza before.. (ye, saye tak berapa nak bijak pandai sangat kat sekolah-plus malas and ignorance. Like I said, we are living here in peace..).
Recently the world make fuss about Gaza again..
Thanks to this technology we have here, I got to do my research.. and I was surprised to see this..
And this is from a friend's fb wall:
Pagi tadi, ketika baru sampai ofis, terus bertanya mcm2 soalan mengenai konflikPalestine/Israel kepada rakan Saudi saya....Terlalu byk soalan ditanya, akhirnya
Terjemahan di dalam bahasa Melayu bermaksud:
[Al-Isra':4] Dan Kami menyatakan kepada Bani Israil dalam Kitab itu: "Sesungguhnya kamu akan melakukan kerosakan di bumi (Palestin) DUA KALI, dan sesungguhnya kamu akan berlaku sombong angkuh dengan melampau.
[Al-Isra':5] Maka apabila sampai masa janji (membalas kederhakaan kamu) kali yang PERTAMA dari dua itu, Kami datangkan kepada kamu hamba-hamba Kami yang kuat gagah** dan amat ganas serangannya lalu mereka menjelajah di segala ceruk rantau (membinasakan kamu); dan (sebenarnya peristiwa itu) adalah satu janji yang tetap berlaku.......(**Kisah pembebasan BaitulMaqdis oleh pahlawan Islam agung Salehuddin Al-Ayubi)
[Al-Isra':6] Kemudian (setelah kamu bertaubat), Kami kembalikan kepada kamu kekuasaan untuk mengalahkan mereka, dan Kami beri kepada kamu dengan banyaknya harta kekayaan dan anak pinak, serta Kami jadikan kamu kaum yang lebih ramai pasukannya.
[Al-Isra':7] Jika kamu berbuat kebaikan, (maka) kebaikan yang kamu lakukan adalah untuk diri kamu; dan jika kamu berbuat kejahatan, maka (kesannya yang buruk) berbalik kepada diri kamu juga. Oleh itu, apabila sampai masa janji (membalas perbuatan derhaka kamu) KALI KEDUA, (Kami datangkan musuh-musuh kamu) untuk memuramkan muka kamu (dengan penghinaan dan keganasannya); dan untuk memasuki masjid (BaitulMaqdis) sebagaimana mereka telah memasukinya pada KALI YG PERTAMA; dan untuk menghancurkan apa sahaja yang mereka telah kuasai, dengan sehancur-hancurnya.
Dan di akhir perbualan kami, rakan saya berkata pada saya, tentera Al-qassam (Palestine) sedikitpun tidak akan gentar malah yakin seyakin-yakinnya akan janji-janji Allah bahawa BaitulMaqdis akan dibebaskan buat kali KEDUA oleh pejuang2 Islam yang benar, dan Israel akan diberikan penghinaan/kemusnahan yang selayakknya..............
Astaghfirullah, aku pohon keampunanMu ya Allah, kerana telah menjadi manusia manusia yang lalai, tidak peka dan tidak berasa tanggungjawab untuk bersama mengembalikan maruah Islam di bumi Palestine.........
Monday, November 19, 2012
Hidayah Allah
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah mengutus Nabi Nuh dan Nabi Ibrahim, dan Kami jadikan pada keturunan keduanya orang-orang yang berpangkat Nabi dan menerima Kitab-kitab ugama; maka sebahagian di antara mereka: orang yang beroleh hidayah petunjuk, dan kebanyakan mereka orang-orang yang fasik – derhaka - (Surah Al-Hadid, ayat 26)
"Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, (kerana) kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik, dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman)" – (Surah ali-Imran, ayat 110)
"Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka (yang telah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah (ugama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar". Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu" - (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat : 120)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
L.O.V.E aka C.I.N.T.A
credits to the writer of that blog. Thanks a lot for making it clearer for me..
Love is not "Give and Take" but love is Give and Give".
Baru-baru ni, selepas Majlis Pertunanganku, aku sedar betawa keluargaku amat menyayangiku..
Bersungguh-sungguh depa tolong, buat dan bagi macam-macam walhal sejak kebelakangan ni aku selalu ketepikan keluargaku..
Aku terlepas Majlis Nikah Mizah, Majlis Tunang Syidi, dan macam-macam majlis keluarga lagi disebabkan aku perlu menghadirkan diri ke majlis lain utk kerja.. Dan kalau aku dapat hadir pon, sekadar 'tunjuk muka' orang kata.. Selalu tak dapat nak stay lama-lama.. Busy bebenor...
Alhamdulillah, sekarang aku ada lebih masa untuk keluarga.. InsyaAllah akan lebih lagi dan lagi.. Aku akan buktikan aku cintakan keluargaku... InsyaAllah...
Hari ni first time aku bersama rombongan pengantin laki. Mengiringi Syidi for his big day.
Tahniah Syidi & welcome to the family Dear Ernatasha... ;)
P/s: Benar kata orang, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya..
Monday, October 22, 2012
Syukur I was born in this family, and I thank God for his great plan, which is so much better than my own..
A lot has been going on for the past 4 years of my life..
Realized that I made a huge mistake in my life, I nearly got into some more stupid troubles.
But luckily Allah loves me and made me surrounded with great people.
Alhamdulillah.. Gratitude to The Most Merciful.. Thank you seems not enough...
14th October 2012 was the date chosen by mama for my engagement. I don't really mind the date as long as they support me.. and they did. My family support me 200%. Thank you so much..!
Dear Areyang,
I would like to take this chance to tell you that I love you, and I accept your proposal because of Allah.
I believe this is his plan, and this the best for me and you, InsyaAllah...
Here, I would like to share some of my favorite photos from Our Engagement Album.. :)
p/s: Syukur Alhamdulillah...~
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Green Love
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Bijaknya budak-budak zaman sekarang!
Hasil kreativiti kazenku yg bernama Mohd Farhan, the Director & Videographer, berusia 12 tahun.
Talent pula adalah kazenku Mohd Nadzmi, berusia 4 tahun...
InsyaAllah bakat-bakat ini tidak sia-sia. Untung ada teknologi, hasil usaha bebudak ni dapatlah dikongsi bersama kami sekeluarga melalui Youtube dan Facebook!
Memang dunia semakin mengecil... Yang baik kita simpan, yang buruk jadikan teladan...
p/s: sekarang tengah fenomena Gangnam Style la plakkkk!
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Dream . Wish . Pray
I never met a sane person with no dream, no hope, no believe, nothing to ask, nothing needed, nothing wanted in life... i repeat.. N.E.V.E.R.
If you know one, please introduce to me...
God is like gravity. Whether you believe it or not, He exists..
That's why everything we do, there's purpose and there's result.
we eat, we sleep, we work... we get energy, we get rest, and we get what we need..
But sometimes, we pray for the wrong thing, we want what we don't need.
That's why I believe that the second pillars of Islam is the solution in going for the right dream, asking for the right thing..
"Solat itu tiang Agama. Kuat tiangnya, kukuhla rumahnya.."
Muslims must pray 5 times a day, which means at least 5 times a day, conciously wish.. correctly ask.. faithfully believe..
And in Solat, we ask for what we need and not what we want..
Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit,-
And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah: for Allah sees Well all that ye do.
When you have nowhere to turn to, just turn to Allah. InsyaAllah, there's ways..
p/s: Allah Maha Mengetahui, Maha Adil, Maha Bijaksana...
Friday, July 13, 2012
Busy (cliché)
"Tell only the truth even if it's hurt.." Senang je cakap, tapi tak senang nak buat...
It's been a while since I wrote anything.. I missed June altogether..
Was it worth it..? of course it is..! It's worth a great lesson...
Let me ask you something.. If there's only two things left in this world, and you allowed to choose only one to survive..?
1) Money
2) Knowledge
Which one would you choose?
Once Mu'awiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with her) gave a sermon in which he said, "I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, he makes him very knowledgeable in the Deen." (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)
Money comes and goes. It will not last forever..
So, instead of looking for more money in life, get more knowledge and be proud with the money you earn by using your brain.. The one thing that differenciate humanbeings with other beings...
p/s: even a great leader made mistake. A reminder that God exist. He hears and sees everything...!~
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
m a y t w e n t y t w e l v e
Can't wait to finish all these and enjoying the satisfaction.. Right now, I just need to work extra hard to satisfy everyone else first... Dear God, please grant me patience in sincere dedication..~
Super busy and totally forgot the date since it was Sunday. Was working overtime. Not a very good day for me..
However, I wish you all the best dear Sister.. and hopefully your days are much better than mine...
It's raining heavily today.. Managed to settle a few things yesterday and have plenty to work with today..
Purposely have this break time to write here. Just not to miss May altogether...
I hope all these are worth it.. So far, a lot of my wish granted by Him.
Syukur Alhamdulillah...
I believe He has a great plan for me as I made wish for a lot of good things since I was little..
I trust Him.. Thankful for everything He gave.. Thankful to be alive.. Thank You Ya Allah...
I'm truly glad I was born a Muslim... and I hope He'll always show me the right way.. Amiiin...~
p/s: at one point in your life, you can actually forgot your own birthday and your own age. True story!
I never believe this until... it happened
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
mencintai & memiliki...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Storm Coming
Posted by on Feb 29, 2012 in Journal, Quotes, Reflections, Spiritual Purification, Yasmin's Online Journal |
Imagine you were told a hurricane was coming and it would destroy anyone who didn’t take shelter. What would happen? Those who believed, would take shelter and provision before it hit. Those who didn’t believe would go on with their lives, as if nothing was coming. But could someone *really* believe it, and yet do nothing to prepare or save themselves? Could someone *really* believe it and yet continue to live their lives, as if nothing was coming? Could someone really know a storm was about to hit and let themselves be destroyed? Brothers and sisters, there are no surprises. You and I are told with certainty, death is coming. With certainty, a Day of Accountability is coming. But what have we prepared? Do we *really* believe?
taken from (many thanks):
p/s: can't sleep.. weird dream.. coincidence..? تقدير..?