Friday, December 14, 2012

Who is Terrorist?

Kadang-kadang Allah biarkan hamba-Nya tersesat dan apabila mereka kembali bersujud pada-Nya,
Allah s.wt berikan meraka hidayah..

Semoga dengan hidayah-Nya itu, mereka dapat mengenali-Nya lebih dekat dan membawa lebih ramai hamba-Nya yang tersesat untuk kembali ke jalan-Nya...

Palestine is not a film. It's not a movie. It's real. It exist.
It's not just a piece of land.
It's where people live and raise their kids..
It has houses, schools, shops, Mosques..

Zionist have many ways to tell the world that they are right.
But this year, the world see the truth.. well, at least me and a lot others in Malaysia.
There's nothing right about Zionist, IDF and all Israel agenda..

Hamas is not terrorist!
Hamas was founded in 1987 (during the First Intifada) as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim BrotherhoodHamas has a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
They are armies, they are militaries, they are fully trained, very well trained...
They defend the kids and the women.. Fi Sabilillah... Mujahideen indeed...

I don't care much what others think of Hamas and Brigades al-Qassam..
But I want to make it clear to all Muslims that they are Our armies...
We should be grateful they exist to defend Muslims...
Should there be no terrorism towards Muslims in Palestine, there will be no Hamas and Brigades al-Qassam..
They are not fighting just for the land, but they are fighting to save lives... people lives...

IDF is the real terrorist and Israel is the one who fights for a piece of land! and it's not even their land...

p/s: I want to go there.. I want to be a part of Palestine development.. In Shaa Allah..

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