Yang tumpah sia-sia,
Yang Agung itu Allah,
Yang lemah kita manusia...
Buat semua sesama manusia, maafkan saya jika ada tersalah kata, tersilap bicara... saya manusia biasa.. sedang berusaha muhasabah diri... semakin banyak do'a, semakin kerap diuji.. yang buruk adalah kelemahan saya yg inshaaAllah akan cuba dibaiki.. Yang baik, pujian itu milik Allah Yang Esa...
Surat Ađ-Đuĥaá (The Morning Hours) - سورة الضح
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
By the morning brightness [93:1]
And [by] the night when it covers with darkness, [93:2]
Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you]. [93:3]
And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. [93:4]
And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied. [93:5]
Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge? [93:6]
And He found you lost and guided [you], [93:7]
And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient. [93:8]
So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]. [93:9]
And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him]. [93:10]
But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it]. [93:11]
http://quran.com/93 (for the real words of God in Arabic)
http://quran.com/93 (for the real words of God in Arabic)
When I was a little girl I used to memorized this Gorgeous Surah from the Holy Qur'an, The Words of God - Our Creator.. Today I need to read it few times to memorize it again.. And I read the translation for the first time and with a little bit of knowledge in Arabic, I figured out the words...
Cried wholeheartedly.. Perform Solat Dhuha for the first time.. Ya Rasulullah Muhammad s.a.w, You are indeed the Greatest Man.. Selawat kami ke atasmu kekasih Allah swt...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku…banyak dosaku PadaMu ya Allah…Aku Mohon KeampunanMu YaAllah…Kekalkan aku dalam HidayahMu..janganlah engkau pesongkan hati Hambamu ini…setelah Engkau beri petunjuk..tempatkan aku dalam kalangan orang2 yang beriman ..Ya Allah…Matikanlah aku dalam iman…AMIN
Ya Allah, Kau bukakanlah hati insan-insan yang kusayang, yang kebanyakkannya lahir mendengar Azan dan Iqamah untuk menerima HidayahMu sebagaimana Kau bukakan hatiku... Kekalkanlah HidayahMu itu di hati kami dan terimalah kami di syurgaMu...
Selimut Putih...
Selimut Putih...
p/s: Ya Allah, jika mimpiku itu satu peringatan dariMu.. Kau tunjukkanlah aku jalanMu yang lurus, jalanMu yang benar.. Tetapkanlah Iman di hatiku.. Ambillah nyawaku ketika aku sedang beriman padaMu.. Amiiiiiin~ (aku mimpi Malaikat Maut)
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