LepaQ Cafe..
As it was named.. it was really a 'lepak' place..
The place is nice.. all the posters and decorations are superb!
Owh.. and I so gonna find that lamp which has few different colors and it will circle and the colors will fill the whole wall.. I can already imagine that lamp on my bedroom wall.. So nice...
Anyway, despite the tiredness.. I met May and Sakip after work and we lepak there for a while..
Later I realized it was really a great idea coz there, all my tiredness has gone after I saw him!
He was super hot!
His face's so cute, his long curly hair was gorgeous, he played guitar like a pro, his voice was husky and he sang very well too.. and then he smiled and i melted.. May and me got so excited when he sang our requested song which was 'unintended' by Muse.. Owh, I loooove his voice and I hope he will be a real singer one day...
And then we got so disappointed when the owner of the cafe told us that he's just 19 (ceh, macamla nak buat bf kan disappointed plak! Hahahaha!)
While listening to him, we have photo session.. huhu..
Here goes...


Ini dia Si Comey itu!
p/s: mmg kat sini je la kiterang lepas ni~