Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I know I can do nothing bout it now..
I know I have to somehow accept it.. even if my heart & my mind resent it..
someday.. one day.. just not now..

p/s: thanks to great friends who supported me.. especially you who always be by my side although we argue a lot.. I'm glad I have you guys... xoxo

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keluarga Kalut!

pesanan penaja: aku akan banyak menggunakan loghat utara kali ni. Mintak maap kalau tak paham.. ;)

Weekend lepas kami sekeluarga (family belah mama) ada Family Day kat Pangkor buat julung kalinya..
Pagi² buta family aku dah kalut macam ribut bersiap..
Mama macam biasa-ketua! buat satu rumah jadi huru-hara!

Kami berimpit macam sardin dalam tin, naik Waja 7 orang sampai Tesco gara-gara gajiku tak cukup nak buh minyak viva. hua hua hua!
Jumpa Kak Yarn & Abg Sham so Zira dgn Hazim dapat tumpang depa. (cerdik masuk)
Selesai minum nescafe segelas, aku offer diri nak drive.. bukan apa, kesian kat abah..
Dari aku kecik sampai aku dah tua bangka camni, asyik abah jadi driver..
Sekali-sekala abah jadilah boss duduk belakang pulak..

Punyalah laju aku bawak.. tapi pasai ramai gila manusia kat jetty Lumut tu, kami sampai lambat gila! Sampai ja terus pelahap apa ada pasai semua dah kebuluq gila.. Licin makanan kat challet tu kami bedal, dahla sedap gila.. Oh ya, family aku ngan Kak Yarn paling lambat. Makcik sebelum Subuh dah bertolak. Yang lain² dari Penang, so depa papagi buta dah sampai sana..

Hari pertama tu (Jumaat) kami takdak aktiviti sangat. Cuma relax² ambik angin Pulau.
Malamnya, kami yang perempuan pakat bungkus hamper ramai² (persiapan utk sukaneka hari Sabtu). Macam biasa, makcik jadi kepala pasai dia paling creative. Family aku ni sejak azali kalau bersembang memang semua suara macam pakai mic. Masing-masing nak bercakap, takmau kalah. Yang syoknya, bole dengaq semua sekaligus! Nasib baik challet kami duduk tu sangatlah private. Tu pon suara masing² boleh dengaq sampai challet sebelah.. hahaha! adoilah! nak buat mcm mana, keturunan!

*alamak-ada kerja pulak. aku sambung nanti.. huhu

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


p/s: when the dog bites, when the bee stings, i simply remember i have you and suddenly life don't seems so completely shit~

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Love is a BIG word..
honestly i don't understand.. What is Love?

as i remembered love is painful!
too painful till my heart can't bear no more..
coz i don't know how to not love someone wholeheartedly..
i don't know why i act differently when i love..
i dont' know why my actions are always be misinterpreted..

maybe.. just maybe right now at this moment, i'm scared..
i'm so afraid.. what if my heart being broken again..
i don't wanna feel the pain again..
i'm not Mulan.. i'm not strong...

p/s: i don't know how to empty my cup.. i seriously don't know how..

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

those magical things

there are magical things laying in this world we live..
it's up to all of us to believe it or not..
but i seriously believe in magic..
coz i know deep down that these things exist..

without magic life would be boring..
nothing is special..
no memories should remains..
everything will be just the same..

i live in magical world..
and you need to know and believe in those magical words in order to enter..
for that's the only key to unlock the door...

p/s: it's just one simple word, but it's magic!~

Monday, December 07, 2009


They come they go and sometimes they come back..
But I'm waiting for The One who are willing to stay no matter what..

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

a drop of tears for a fake smile

life is a circle..
its started when I was a baby..
I cried wholeheartedly coz I don't know how to begin..
Then I crawled and get on top of the wheel..

Slowly I started walking.. but I don't know how so I fall..
I got up and climb the wheel back..
This time I already know the way..
But then I started to get excited so I started to run..
I fall flat!

It took me a while to get up and climb back the wheel..
I ran and I fall.. Few times!
So I learn.. it's better to just keep walking..

But I am just an ordinary human being..
I tend to get delirious and made the mistake again..
I ran again.. But this time it's so much fun!
So I thought I already know how..
Little did I know, I can get tired..

So now I'm exhausted.. Can't catch my breath..
I wanted to start walking back, but it's too late..
I fall! Big time!
It hurts! Demm hurt!
I need a moment.. or maybe an inspiration..
Just to climb back the wheel..

p/s: I need just a drop of tears for me to paint a fake smile~