Thursday, June 13, 2013

Me Mengidam..?

banyak betul benda yg aku pikir lately.
food . work . vacation .  chores . having a sweet time with hubby . n more n more .

pregnant makes me letih & moody honestly. yet happy & blessed at the same time. :)
crying n smiling bersilih ganti.
Alhamdulillah, memang memory yg aku takkan pernah lupakan, inshaa Allah...

berat naik 5kg in a week time. tak pernah rasa seberat ini.. ^_^
muka menchubby. badan membesar. perut membuncit.. weee..!

mengidam.. ok, tak tau la ada mengidam ke tak.. tp aku asyik fikir pasal food je.
tgk rancangan masak like all the time.. hungry all the time.
celik mata je lapar. rest sekejap, lapar. buat keje sikit, lapar. Subhanallah...
luckily aku boleh masuk dapur (tp takleh lalame) and don't really bother of the smell most of the time..
muntah2.. yerp, it happened.. a few times.. but i managed to rest..

hubby.. my husband is so amazing. dia jaga aku dgn sangatlah baik sekali! bole menang award!
dia kerja, masak, mengemas, membasuh.. amazing! nothing to complain. a lot to be thankful for.
syukur sangat Alhamdulillah... thank you sooooo much dear hubby.. i love u!

tadi baru je call hubby n tanya dia pasal daging rusa. tgk kat tv nampak mcm sedap je. dan rendah kolesterol katenye.. hurm.
terkedu hubbyku mendengarnya.. so far dalam banyak2 permintaan aku, yg ni yg mcm payah sket.. hehe sorry... T_T

pastu plak tetibe rasa nak makan strawberry celup coklat kat cameron highlands..

adakah saya mengidam...? hurm...

owh, just msg bona n tell her that i'm craving for those gorgeous MAS croissants.. owh, sedapnya... yummy... mcm bole rasala plak.. errr... hahaha! ^_^

ok that makes me google and tengok, i found this website, and it's super interesting:
check it out! dia tunjuk a step by step videos cara nak membuat croissants! looks yummeyh! ^_^

we really really need an oven.. makanan yg aku suka mostly kena bakar dlm oven.. adoiyai..
nape takde mengidam benda kukus ni.. periuk kukus dah ada.. oven, erm... dahla tak pandai pakai..
and thanks a lot to our family & friends for the lovely wedding gifts. now we have a complete kitchen...! well, almost.. except an oven. but hey, no complain. satu hari nanti akan ada jugak, inshaa Allah.. :)


p/s: ok to my baby, mummy nk ckp sikit.. those things yg kita mengidam tu nampak mcm susah nak dapat especially here in our beloved country Malaysia.. so hopefully we won't be too picky on the taste.. and kita kena thank daddy sooooo much kalau dia berjaya dapatkan untuk kita those yummy looking foods.. (^_^")

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