Thursday, January 07, 2010


My name is Mardiana binti Mahdzir!
I love my life.. I love my family.. I love my friends.. I love my job.. I love Malaysia! I love this world..
I'm lucky to be the one who swum faster than the other partners..
I'm grateful to be giving the chance to breathe and to see this world..

I'm happy because I have experienced a lot at the age of 25..
I will never forget the bad things that happened for it make me grow stronger and wiser..
I will always remember each and every sweet memories that I had with everyone I encounter...

I will continue this journey with a wide smile pasted on my face..
I will see more and learn more now...
I am strong! I am Diana!

p/s: this is my solemn promise... to myself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jgn terlalu cintakan dunia...fikirkan mcmn kita di akhirat nanti.takutnnyaaa..