Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A good movie combines with great songs.

p/s: i'm thinking of you smiling

Monday, July 26, 2010


Lately I feel empty..

I have so many friends..
I got too much works..
I have not enough time..
How can empty actually took place..?

I wonder...

Friday, July 16, 2010

so what's the plan now..?

an idea crossed my mind just now.

i wanted to enjoy that place. a home i call.
i can imagine it clearly, feel it...

driving on that big road while listening to 'deliver us'...

stop at NZ and buy a big bottle of coke, or a bottle of red tea,
or better a bottle of apple flavored Barbican!
also a packet of chicken flavored Bika.

walking passed by lingling.. hot!
then the printing shop.. reminiscences those spraymount days and smile.
look down and walk..
those leaves on the rocks.. some cats at the side..

the swings.. and yes of course, that rock bench under the tree.
sit at the second bench on it's right side and look up.
once that tree was my sitting heights, but now i can only see the moon in between leaves.

after a while...

walk towards block C.
munching the balance of Bika..
passed by Blok B's swimming pool..
stop by at townhouse's swimming pool.
sitting under the coconut tree and view those sparkling moon rays's on the water...
...until i see those familiar face...

p/s: you'll find me...

Monday, July 05, 2010


kata pepatah "Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian.. Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.."

Ya, aku sedang berakit..
Sedang menuju ke hulu..

Tuhan Maha Kaya.
Walau hambanya tak mengingati-Nya setiap masa, tapi Dia tetap memberikan apa yg dipinta.
Beruntunglah mereka-mereka yang senantiasa mendekati-Nya.
Pasti termakbul setiap permintaan.

"Bekerjalah seperti kita akan hidup seribu tahun lagi.."

Maafkan saya kerana terlalu sibuk mengejar cita-cita.
Maafkan saya kerana tiada masa utk kalian semua.

Ini semua bukan untuk saya sahaja.
Cita-cita saya utk memberikan yg terbaik buat semua yg telah berjasa.
Jadi maafkanlah saya untuk hanya seketika cuma...

p/s: buat keluarga tercinta. saya terpaksa. ini untuk kita semua. maafkan saya. insyaAllah ada pulangan buat semuanya. tolong doakan saya, kerana ia bukan utk saya sahaja. baik & buruk sekarang, semoga indah di akan datang.